Thursday, January 28, 2016


Curling is a very interesting sport. Curling involves sliding heavy rocks on to a target to score points. The twist is that the other team can knock your rocks out of scoring position. At the end of regulation, the team with the most points is crowned victorious.

Curling is played between two teams of four using eight granite stones each. The “pitch”, or the field of play is a flat. It is always made of ice. The pitch is usually measuring 45-46m long and 4.4-5m wide. There is a “house” at each end, a circular target made up of a blue outer circle with a 12ft diameter, a white circle inside that with a diameter of eight feet and a red circle with a diameter of four feet.
The stones themselves weight between 17 and 20kg, are at least 11cm high with a maximum circumference of 91cm and have a handle attached to the top. They are made of granite all coming from a special place in Scotland, where the sport originated in the mid 1500s. The handles are usually red for one side and yellow for the other.
On a curling team there are two sweepers who follow the rock down the ice. They use brushes or brooms usually made of horsehair but there are no restrictions on the materials from which it is constructed. different kinds of brushes make different speed and angle changes. In addition, the players wear curling shoes which are similar to standard trainers except that one sole is very smooth like a discus shoe to enable the competitors to slide down the ice.

Scoring is obviously the most important part of the game. After all 16 stones are delivered in an end, the player with the rock closer to the middle red circle is the winner of the "end". Confusing, right? The winning team gets one point for each of their rocks that is closer to the middle than the opponent's closest rock. Such rocks are marked during the game by brighter colours.
Only rocks within the house count towards your points.
After completing an end, players may choose to continue for another end, for a total of 10 ends, or they can set the number of ends to be played before the match as well.
The scores for each end are added together for both teams, and the winner of the match is the player with more points from all ends.

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